Shapes of Chemical Periodic Table

The periodic table of Elements is an arrangenment of chemical elements organized on the basis of their properties.

The shape of the chemical periodic table used so far is outdated. "3D Periodic Table of Elements" provides various shapes of the chemical periodic tables to help you better understand this world.

1. Standard Shape

This shape is the most commonly used periodic table of the elements, so you've probably seen this before.

However, this standard shape of chemical periodic table was invented over 100 years ago. Since then, there has been a lot of new discoveries on chemical elements. Therefore human"s understanding on elements and atoms has advanced further.

Although the form of current periodic table is outdated, we still use the same old chemical periodic table.

standard shape image

Problems with current periodic tables are:

  • Rows on the table do not match with the shells in the atomic structure.
  • Although the atomic numbers on the left and right ends of the table are consecutive, they are not adjacent on the table.
  • La series and Ac series on the table are treated differently from other elements within the periodic table of elements.
  • and so on.

"3D Chemical Periodic Table" is an attempt to solve these problems by restructuring the chemical periodic table through 3D reactive application.

2. Curled Shape

The Curled shape is the standard chemical periodic table rolled and joined end to end.

In this shape, elements are chained in order of atomic number, therefore you can see, for example, the 2nd element (He) and 3rd element (Li) joined properly.

curled shape image

3. Disc Shape

The Disc shape is made by curling and laying down each element on tbe standard periodic table of the elements.

In this shape, you can see the La series and Ac series, which were treated separately from other elements in the standard periodic table, are naturally incorporated into the disc. In this way, you can view all the elements at a glance.

disc shape image

4. Elementouch Shape

Elementouch Shape is a form made by chaining chemical elements in triple spiral form based on characteristics of each element.

elementouch shape image

This shape is based on the ”Elementouch” periodic table invented by Y. Maeno, a professor in Kyoto University. See What's Elementouch? for detail on "Elementouch." Related Thesis: "Three related topics on the periodic tables of elements"前野悦輝,萩野浩一, 石黒 武彦Foundations of Chemistry (Aug. 2020)DOI:

Elementouch shape on "3D Chemcal Periodic Table" is used with the permission and approval of Professor Y. Maeno, the original inventer of this design.

5. Block Shape

The Block Shape is a three-dimensional arrangement of elements in accordance with their electron configurations. The X, Y, Z axes of this shape are corresponding to shell, block, and family, respectively. As you can see from the transition between Elementouch and Block shapes, this shape is made by cutting and opening Elementouch shape.

block shape